Where do you drive online traffic to your business? When your ideal customer gets there what do you want them to do? Do you publish a newsletter that your customers might benefit from? Do you run digital ad campaigns? Here are some tips to consider.
Simple Landing Page Tips
Great landing page copy uses strong headlines, and clear value propositions, and explains “why” they matter. Content should focus on user benefits over product features and address any doubts, so visitors don’t leave. The copy should be focused and free of fluff; every word should serve a purpose.
1. Strong headline that begs a question. Example “Could Your Website Be Getting More Traffic?”
2. Strong call to action – A strong CTA is clear, and concise, and explains why it’s important for the visitor to take this action. A clear and concise call-to-action is just one action and the button contrasts with the page – this is so users can’t miss it.
3. Use a “fear of missing out” message. What will the visitor miss if they don’t choose your call to action? Perhaps you are only taking on a limited number of clients, hurry before we are booked full. Perhaps they will miss big price savings. Scarcity is persuasive.
4. One to three clients’ testimonials. Social proof is persuasive.
5. If you include form fill, keep it to minimum fields like name, phone, and email. If you require many fields, walk the visitor through them across multiple pages. Once the field on page one is submitted, they are invested and are more likely to fill them all vs. one page with a dozen fields.
6. Great, appropriate image.
7. Include a video if it is very short, no more than 15 seconds, and leads with the primary benefit to the visitor for choosing your call to action. I.e., sign up for your email list.
8. Fast loading.